Report from Biovica’s Annual General Meeting on August 30, 2018

2018-08-30 18:36

Below is a summary of the decisions taken at the Annual General Meeting, AGM.

The Meeting resolved that available funds of SEK 60,768,811 will be carried forward.

The Meeting resolved that Board members should be compensated with SEK 125,000 for Directors and SEK 200,000 for the Chairman of the Board. The Meeting also resolved that the auditors should be paid according to approved account.

Board members for the period until the end of the next Annual General Meeting were re-elected: Göran Brorsson, Maria Holmlund, Ulf Jungnelius, Anders Rylander and Jesper Söderqvist. Göran Brorsson was elected Chairman of the Board.

Grant Thornton Sweden AB was elected as the company’s auditor, with Stéphanie Ljungberg as Auditor in Charge.

The AGM resolved in accordance with the proposals submitted:

  • Guidelines for reimbursement to senior executives
  • Process to appoint election committee and work instruction for the same.
  • Resolution to authorize the Board to issue new shares of up to 10% of the current number of shares.
  • Employee stock option plan for 200,000 options.


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